Joey Marino, actor dies: Tardive Dyskinesia

Joey Marino died recently. I have tardive dyskinesia too. People do not understand how serious it is. Life is nightmarish and we plug along doing the best we can. No one wants to know ugly so we try to dwell on other things when we are with people....because everyone disappears around serious illness. Especially when it's not legitimized in ways like cancer or some other diseases are.

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How to use the site

beyond medsalternatives to psychiatryeverything matter MONICA CASSANI *** This is how to use the site Many people still ask me for my “protocols.” The message I communicate for healing is that we are all different and our paths are also, therefore, going to be endlessly diverse. I share my experience, not so that it may... Continue Reading →

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Somatic mysticism: reframing “hypersensitivity”

Somatic mysticism: reframing "hypersensitivity". I can feel my cells doing their work quite often and I feel all manner of metabolic movement and I feel far more than I can even begin to really know from a biological standpoint. Still when I listen and pay attention I collect data, information to act on. With this info I continue to heal and become (consciously) one with all that is.

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Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs – Second Edition – Free Download

The Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs, written by Will Hall and published by The Icarus Project and Freedom Center ... This Guide can be downloaded free on this page...

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Information and inspiration for the chronically ill

This one is for folks living with chronic illnesses of all kinds. I was struck physically ill from the brain-injury and systemic insult incurred by long-term and excessive (prescribed) psychiatric drug use and the subsequent withdrawal from the drugs (iatrogenesis). Many of my symptoms are like that of all sorts of auto-immune and other long-term chronic illness. (CFS, fibromyalgia, etc) These are articles about learning to cope with being seriously ill and also learning to heal from such illness.

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“Delusions” once understood can help people heal and grow

I've often thought of delusions as a sort of personal mythology that needs to be interpreted and understood, integrated and transcended.

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healing is living ritual

photo depicts healing as living ritual as what I've called "environmental yoga" is being performed. Yoga. Right here, right now. Who needs a mat? in confidence there is no need for superiority *** healing is living must enter another world and listen to that which has been largely forgotten. ...

New! A message to those labeled by psychiatry. Audio by Monica

A message to those labeled by psychiatry. Audio by Monica --- I just listened to some of this and thought I'd share it as a new post on the site. I deleted everything on my youtube channel and saved a few of the audios which are now on soundcloud. This is one of them. I was surprised to hear it and frankly needed to remember some of it right now. Ha ha. I often feel like what I say is coming through me and so old stuff can help me from time to time! I hope you enjoy. Love to you all.

The voices are real

The voices are real. This post includes a collection of links to articles from Beyond Meds that deal explicitly with the experience of voice hearers. It also includes a documentary from the Hearing Voices Congress

the missing mother – a poem

the missing mother I was born into a home that was in grief. Another mother had died. We all loved her with agonizing Purity...

Organizing Guide for Psychiatric Survivors

Wow! A 272 page book with just about everything you need to know, including the history and politics of psych survivor. What a gold mine. It's available for free download on Mind Freedom's site.

Ego anonymous: a practice

Ego anonymous: a practice -- I think of my "path" in many different ways. This is something I rewrote to work for me. The 12 step program didn't work out for me, but not because of the actual 12 steps which I found deeply inspiring. Unfortunately the people couldn't deal with what I was up against. Just like most of society. In the world of 12 steps as a young woman I was "the constituionally incapable." You know the people that even those in the 12 steps label as hopeless. Ha!

Wonder woman

We are living, walking, talking miracles. Every one of us. Even though I have been insanely and gravely ill for far too many years, the wisdom of my body continually blows me away. What happened to this body was egregious. It is simply doing what it must to survive and heal In a world that left it for dead. I cooperate in awe. My body is wonder woman. So is yours.

Biofilm and such. Chronic illness 101

Biofilms are there to protect the body as much as anything...encapsulated bad stuff acumulated throughout a lifetime. Environmental toxins and pharmaceuticals are used by the micro-organisms to hang together. The resulting stuff becomes more and more difficult to treat.

letting my readers know what is going on

(NEW PAGE/POST Meditation, not all bliss and roses) ... letting my readers know what is going on Hello, this is a brief note to my readers to explain the emails you've been getting. Last year I did a fundraiser so that I could update the site and get better SEO standing on search engines. Many of you helped that happen with donations. Doing the updating actually requires a lot of work and as I update old posts I republish them and you get an email! So that is why a lot of old posts are coming to you. I'm workin on choosing posts that remain timely and useful. I wrote this post to share a page that I just updated because pages don't have an email option. That post is: Meditation, not all bliss and roses it includes a collection of many posts on meditation and mindfulness etc. and some of the issues with such practices that are rarely discussed elsewhere. thanks for reading and please be in touch sometime. I don't really know who you all are anymore. Social media has changed a lot. Oh...there is a facebook page too if you're interested.

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