“Schizophrenia” recovery — Take these Broken Wings

I did a post a while back about Daniel Mackler’s film, “Take these Broken Wings.” Marian at Different Thoughts has now seen the film and writes an awesome and compelling review. Here is a taste, but go to her site because not only does she have brilliant insightful things to say she also documents all her writing with multiple very short videos from the film. This is clearly a must see:

And awesome it is! The film’s main interest is to show that recovery from what psychiatry calls “schizophrenia” is possible, that “schizophrenia” is not per se a lifelong, chronic condition, that needs lifelong – and, by the way, often chronifying – medication. And, in fact, as the documentary looks at both the scientific data, reported by Robert Whitaker, the stories of Joanne Greenberg and Catherine Penney, told by themselves, and the experiences of several professionals, among them Peter Breggin, Ann-Louise Silver, Bertram Karon and Daniel Dorman, it becomes, once more, clear that recovery, full recovery, from “schizophrenia” isn’t only possible, but should be expected as a matter of course.—emphasis mine (please click through to the rest of her post!)

2 thoughts on ““Schizophrenia” recovery — Take these Broken Wings

  1. I saw your post on Take These Broken Wings, I immediately purchased it. It was one of the deciding factors in resigning from my job, which I have been working up to for a long, long time. I watched it twice, laughed, cried. Watched it a third time with my husband. Then I took it to work and shared it with some of my now former coworkers. The video, along with a list of websites, many if not most, coming from your blog, I left with those coworkers I have reason to believe don’t really want to simply be among the ranks of the well-intentioned mental health care workers. These are people who accepted their jobs, probably naively like I did, with the intention of and desire to provide service and care to others in crisis. They are people I have come to know as ones who would like to make a difference. I am truly hoping it will be found, as it was for me, an inspiration, a statement of hope that there are compassionate ways of being there for others and that recovery, without medication, is more possible than they might have imagined. I don’t really expect that video to be returned anytime soon. I rather hope it gets passed around for a while, along with the list of websites. Maybe I’ll have just enough money out of my last paycheck to purchase another from Daniel Mackler. Then I can watch it again before it too gets passed on.

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