Levels of consciousness: this body/mind

This is a story that emerged last night. It points to the mystery but is not the mystery. We can't really know the mystery: Seems to me there is a sort of access of levels to consciousness this body/mind has. There is the ego which is the least conscious but when in cooperation with body... Continue Reading →

Story telling as means for transformative growth

A status update: Our bodies, in perfect reflection of our psyches, hold our personal mythologies. In this way we are all unique. This is what western medicine does not get. Clinical trials can never capture this. -- Someone took issue with my calling the reflection of our psyches in our bodies “mythology.”

The trip to Boston (first travel in a decade since the pharmaceutical brain injury)

These are the status updates and tweets since my trip began in chronological order. I'm swamped and don't have time to do anything more formal. At some point I will because so much more is happening than what I'm able to share in these limited reflections. *** August 18. (while flying) The amount of stimulation among... Continue Reading →

Waking up, food intolerances and chronic illness

Waking up and healing the body of autoimmune, chronic illness etcetera - are destructive processes that then require rebuilding of both body & psyche. Healing, as an act of both destruction and creation, requires Kali energy. I was not consciously aware of this when she first entered my life. ...

getting to the heart of the knot which is the hook

In the hook of the split. Where the rubber hits the road. My body, my koan, my people. Humanity writ upon the body. ...

All diets are bullsh*t

What a healing diet looks like is going to be radically different for each person and is going to change a lot for individuals over time .. if one is healing there is no such thing as homeostasis, so it follows that your needs are going to change.

Psychiatry (fueled by western culture) systematically eliminates us so that we cannot contribute to humanity

The capitalistically oriented "healers" and "spiritual" teachers are the pharisees/charlatans of our time. The real shaman/medicine people are being systematically wiped out/disabled by psychiatry. We don't have mentors because our kind have been wiped out for generations now. (think of witch hunts, for example, before psychiatry) There is no one left to recognize us as children... Continue Reading →


Owning my pain. Once its owned it loses its power. Pain is a neutral sensation. It is impersonal and part of being in a body. Pain is not only a neutral sensation but when experienced as such, in clarity, it offers pure data. Wordless info that only the body can convey. ...

And recently, this happened…

The below is a bit out of context because it was shared on twitter where I'd brought up this circumstance before. I had a friend/mentor/ teacher that I spoke to once a week for about four years and then remained in contact for a couple more. I never considered him a guru or anything but... Continue Reading →

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